Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Here's me and Jesus in the lobby of the resort! Hello, young lovers! He's so huggable! ;-) Who'd of thought the Messiah had such great lats? Must of been all that time in Wood Shop!

Me and Jesus on the beach. I think Jesus would have more fun if he swam in the water instead of walking on it all the time! LOL! Turns out he can't swim!! ROFL!! JK!! He can hold his breath really long!! How do I know? LOL! My lips are sealed!! Gasp! Did I write that?!?!

Here's a sweet picture of Jesus and the Johnson-Williams baby, the Johnson-Williamses (Beryl and Ron) were in the cabana next to ours. Little Exeter here sure has strong lungs, we could hear him crying all hours of the day and night. I casually mentioned that a quick plague of something might be a good idea if we were going to get any sleep, but Jesus just loves the wee ones!! So do I, but not at 3:00 am! Seriously, what a great Father he'll make! Hint, hint ;-)

Here's Jesus with little CyndiLou Williams-Johnson (no relation, I asked!! ;-)) She's a little overdressed for a beach vacation, isn't she! And from the way she was throwing herself at the little Vazquez-Rodriquez boys, she won't be wearing white to her wedding, if she even has one, wink wink!! Meow, saucer of milk, table for one!! ;-) LOL!!!

And Jesus with the dear little Wilson-Jones kids, Regis and Britannia-Meryl. Little Britty-Merry just wouldn't get up off of Jesus' lap! Jesus has the patience of a saint, but even a Savior has limits! "I must be about my girlfriend's business" he said, and lifted her gently to the ground. So sweet! ;-) And just the right priorities!! I've got him housetrained already! LOL ;-)!!!

Jesus with more kids, I think these belong to some Jews from down the beach who wandered into our resort by mistake. They sure are blond, aren't they? Who'd a thunk? ;-) We never did figure out how they got past the guard dogs and electric fense, but they're a wily bunch! And Jesus was all nice to them, which is really something, you know, considering past history, right, like in the movie?

Jesus with the Wilson-Johnson-Williams kids, Robert, Mary-Linda, little Humbert on Jesus' knee, and Stacylynn and the other one in the training bra, I didn't get her name and they'd checked out before I realized I hadn't written it down! My bad!! Sorry!! :-(!!! If the Son Of God can't remember these kids' names, how do you expect me to? LOL!!

Jesus and the Vazquez-Rodriguez children, Rodolpho, Lupita Marisol, Enrique (called Ricky), Concepcion Auranda and the eldest, Valencia Chiquita, I think that's the name! Ooops, Alzheimer's alert! Looks like "Ricky" has made a few too many stops at the taco bar! LOL ;-)!! It didn't stop the boys from "making time" with Little Miss CyndiLou Whatshername. As they kept saying, Ah-ee Poppy!

And another kid with Jesus, little Vogue-Harper Johnson-Wilson-Watson. She wants to be a model when she grows up! These kids have such direction in their lives these days! Since I was the one taking pictures I'm like it's okay as long as she is a good Christian model, and Jesus said something about being the first to throw stones. I'm like, He's so wacky!!

Jesus with more kids, these are the O'Fitzhanrahan Boys, Matthew, Mark, Luke, Raeshawn and Tiki. Sounds like their Mommy and Daddy are broad-minded, not to say P.C.!! Nice boys, even if Raeshawn seems to be looking for more than the usual amount of spiritual guidance, if you know what I mean and I know you do!!! ;-) LOL!! Looks like a future hair stylist in the making!! And Jesus could certainly "do" with a new "do"!! ;-) LOL JK!!

More kids, they all had these accents and I couldn't make out what they were saying, like I'm supposed to be the secretary here on my vacation with my own personal savior and boyfriend in one package when I'm missing my personal trainer and hot rocks massage appointments to take these pictures? LOL JK!!

More kids. Jesus sure likes em young!! LOL!! I didn't notice a Shoes Optional sign when we registered! ROFL ;-)!!! Jesus didn't like it when I said that, but the kids didn't get it and I was running out of space on my camera, because I still had all the Airport photos and the Taxi photos and the Checkin photos still there on it, and I was starting to need some TLC from JC, if you know what I mean and I know you do!! LOL!!!

Jesus and the little Brown girls, from left Mary Jane, Jane Mary, Mary, and Jane. Looks like Little Jane's got some serious religion on her mind! Back off, kid, he's mine!! LOL ;-) JK!! I made a fox pass when I asked Jane Mary if her doll said MaMa and she said, "It's not my doll, it's my baby sister!" Were my cheeks red! Like that's not the plasticest looking kid you've ever seen? LOL ;-)

Here's Jesus and me again, we've just had our first fight! I got kind of cranky about him always suffering the children to come unto him. This is supposed to be OUR romantic getaway! But before you knew it, Jesus had changed some Pepsi into Chardonnay and we were partying like it was 10 B.C.! LOL ;-)
That Jesus! I'll be measuring him for the matrimonial leash any day now! LOL ;-) JK JK JK!!!!!!!!

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